Monday 6 March 2023

Thought for Monday, 6 March 2923

2 Corinthians 13:5-6 NIVUK

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.

Do you not realise that Christ Jesus is in you – unless, of course, you fail the test? And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test.

I am giving up Lent for Lent this year, at least the way the Church typically does Lent. The Lord is not interested in what I give up for just 40 days and return to it. He is interested in me giving up the sins in my life which will make Easter more joyous.

Wayne Lawson

This passage made me think about the times I gave something up for Lent then as soon as Easter Sunday came, I went straight back to the same something. In reality Igave up’ nothing while feeling so pious.

What we should be giving up are all those unhealthy habits we hang on to. Things like gossip or ignoring the needs of others or arguing about petty things. The list goes on and on, but we don’t think about these kinds of things, it’s always easier to just go with the tried and tested.

The problem is that the tried and tested do not test us enough. Unless we have real problems, giving up chocolate or crisps or cigarettes or whatever other ‘addiction’ we have, there is no test in it. I could give up chocolate, but I am not supposed to eat that anyway so how am I supposed to call that a test?

We should be giving up something that will really cause us to struggle, for instance I have been trying to stop being sarcastic (it is not going well).

Jesus gave up His throne in heaven, not just for 6 weeks but for 33 years. Then He gave up His life on earth, under horrendous circumstances. All for our sake, to make us worthy of eternal life. He gave His blood so that we could be washed clean of our sins.

Should we not be willing to suffer some puny inconvenience for six weeks to appreciate an inadequate measure of our Saviour’s loss before His even greater suffering on the cross.

Jesus is surely worth so much more than 40 days of halfhearted ‘sacrifice’ from us!



Lord Jesus, we are grateful for the sacrifice You made for us, even though we find it so difficult to make the smallest of sacrifices for You. Help us to be able to show our gratitude by treating others with the same compassion that You show toward us. There are people who do not know You and by showing the love and kindness You show to us, may they be drawn to know You through us. Thank You Lord Jesus, for Your unfailing and patient love.  Amen.

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