Wednesday 23 August 2023

Thought for Wednesday, 23 August

James 1: 19, 20

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen,

slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.


"Many people find themselves unable to cope with even minor frustration. They get angry over trivial things, such as a broken pencil lead or overcooked hamburger. Their anger erupts and gets out of control. They feel as though they are constantly under attack, that everyone is out to get them, and that nobody understands or cares about them. This feeling of having no control leads to a state of continual frustration and anger...This tendency to react with instant anger can be called rage. Rage is anger that never completely goes away."  Michael Mccartney


As I have mentioned before, there are a few tenants in this complex who have dementia or suffered from a stroke. They can often be unpredictable, flying into angry outbursts without warning or even apparent cause. By the time staff reach the tenant there is sometimes another person in floods of tears because they have been the innocent focus of the anger. This anger cannot be helped because it comes from someone who is not conscious of their actions.

However, there is another who has suffered a stroke but is entirely aware of his anger and is a bad loser. The result is that if he does not get what he wants from the menu he ‘throws a fit’ and pushes items from the table. He needs easily swallowed food because of a choking hazard, it is understandable that he wants things that he likes but nobody can convince him, and he takes it out on the carer he has that day or on the staff. He knows it is not acceptable and after an episode he sits and laughs.

A couple of days ago he was given one of the biscuits he likes but in temper he threw it at a member of staff who lifted it and took it away. He was stunned and started yelling at her but soon realised she was ignoring him, even with impaired speech we knew what he was calling her. He did not get his biscuit back, but he eventually apologised and was settled for the rest of the day. We await the next instalment in his story.

We all have those moments when something or someone angers us, we are told of righteous anger but even that must be controlled. It is when our anger gets out of control and becomes a rage that makes us forget what we were angry about and just allow the rage to grow. Perhaps righteous anger is called for in the world of today, and I think God is just waiting for the right time to act against those who mock His word.

Jesus told His disciples to go out and make other disciples, we should still be working to make this happen. Nobody will come to Jesus if they are not told about Him and His wonderful sacrifice on the cross. He carried our sins to pay our debt of sin so did not have to pay. Is it really too much for us to do to invite others into His fold? It is a small price for us to pay for eternal life through the blood of Jesus.


Lord Jesus, Your death and resurrection is recorded in the Gospels. Help us to read them with more understanding, to realise how much we owe You. We know You do not look at it like that but sometimes we should be reawakened to the truths of these things. We are human and You know from experience how easily we can be sidetracked, we need to be aware of our own weaknesses to try to fight them, but we need Your help and that of the Holy Spirit to realise what we must do. We ask in the name of Father, Son and Spirit. Amen

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