Monday 21 August 2023

Thought for Monday 21 August

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

We have had a few months of mixed emotions in the complex. Some good happy times and at the other end of the spectrum a fair bit of sadness.

We have had parties for the coronation of the new king and queen and one for the 50th anniversary of Trust Housing. We also have our entertainment evenings, all directed at raising the blood pressure. There have been new tenants moving in which is cause for celebration but there have also been others moving out into nursing homes. Of course, we always remember those who make their journey to be with the Lord.

These things are facts of life, human lives are not permanent. Change happens with a predictable ending. And the people I have known have almost always been ready to make that most important journey of all.

Of course, we are blessed that we know Christ Jesus never changes. As God Jesus is eternal and faithful, we know we can trust Him to welcome us home.

It makes me sad when I think of all the Christians who have turned away from our Father, leaving themselves open to the false doctrines of Satan. We can see this all around as the prophecy in Isaiah 5:20

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Isaiah lived around the 8th century BC, so this prophecy was given nearly 3000 years ago. Look about and we can see that happening right now, I would be scared if I did not know that it is all in God’s plan. What we need to do now is give everything to God and know we are safe in His hands.

I have been privileged to be asked to pray with some tenants who were not into the snare of dementia. They are afraid of not being ‘good enough’ at the end of the day. Dementia causes them to forget so much, but they always remember that they need God and prayer. Their love of God is in their bones, and it is sad they should feel this way, but Satan takes every chance he gets to trap us into his wickedness.

Let us all be very wary of following popular thinking which can lead us astray.


Loving Father, thank You for always being aware of our circumstances and for giving us Your Spirit to guide us on the path that Jesus showed us. Help us to recognise the false teachers we have been warned about, that is the hard part of all that is happening. A wolf in sheep’s clothing looks just like everyone else so we need to be able to call on our knowledge of Your word in scripture to be able to refute the lies a false teacher preaches. Father, help us also to be able to pass on truth to those who need to hear about Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When we explain why we follow Christ help us to speak words that You give us. Amen



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