Friday 9 June 2023

Thought for Friday, 9 June 1945

1st Corinthians 14:7 & 19

Even musical instruments like the flute or the harp, though they are lifeless,

are examples for the need for speaking in plain language.  For no one will recognise the melody unless the notes are played clearly.  But in a church meeting I would much rather speak five understandable words that will help others than ten thousand words in an unknown language. 

I can relate to today’s verses in a variety of ways.  Having played the guitar for a lot of years, I remember the struggle when beginning to learn.  The sore tips of the fingers that resulted from pressing the strings down in between the frets on the neck of the guitar, the frustration in trying to get both hands working together, the unpleasant noises the instrument made when I made a mistake etc. etc.  Over the years, the technical ability in the playing of the guitar has developed dramatically (not by me I may add) and when I listen to some of the guitarists nowadays, I have no idea how they manage to play what they play.  Despite this, I probably get more enjoyment from the musicians who play less notes, but play those notes with more feeling and expression. 

When it became fashionable to use powerpoint for work presentations, it was interesting to see how individuals embraced this new technological opportunity.  We were subjected to loads of slides or slides with lots of text with the presenter reading every word.  We had a myriad of colours being utilised and fancy effects as the information on each slide appeared.  It was not a good experience, and it became widely known as ‘suffering death by powerpoint’!!!!!  Gladly, this initial enthusiasm died down in most cases and presenters came to realise that they could communicate their message more effectively with less slides and none of the special effects. 

I keep reminding myself that when Jesus was speaking to large crowds of people or those close to him, he didn’t use fancy words, he spoke plainly.  When he performed miracles, it wasn’t presented like a stage show, he just did what was necessary without the big dramatic build up and the standing ovation afterwards.  The message Jesus brought was profound and required a massive change in thinking from all the rules that were part of the first covenant God made with mankind.  He still chose to share that message with the very poor, the very rich and all in between.  He spoke in relatively few words but with authority.  Had he used many words in flowery and academic language, there would have been a risk that the message he wished to convey would just get lost among all those words, like the seeds among the thorns. 

Prayer - Heavenly Father, We thank you for the humble way in which you lived your life and for the example you set for us to try and follow.  We thank you for teaching us that fancy and complicated does not necessarily mean good.  If we get the opportunity to share our faith and beliefs with others, let us communicate the Christian message sensitively and with love.  Let us behave towards others in ways that would be acceptable to you.   Amen

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