Friday 16 June 2023

Thought for Friday, 16 June 2023

 Matthew 12:7

If you had known what these words mean, “I desire mercy,

not sacrifice,” you would not have condemned the innocent.

The Gospel is good news of mercy to the undeserving. The symbol of the religion of Jesus is the cross, not the scales.                          -- John R. W. Stott

Do we act with mercy toward people who have fallen on tough times or those who have succumbed to temptation? Are we merciful to those who don’t treat us as we think we deserve?


Those who have no job or home, those who cannot afford designer clothes or proper food, they deserve mercy just as God is merciful to us, we should not withhold it from others.


We had two new singers entertaining us yesterday. They were very good but had a wee technical problem with their laptop so did not have music to accompany them. They were so embarrassed when this happened, but we were all pretty relaxed about it. All except one who started complaining about coming downstairs for this ‘rubbish’ which did not help to make things better.


Of course, the ladies eventually did sing without music and were enjoyed by everyone else. They had been members of the local operatic society so were good singers and sang songs from musicals, which went down well with the audience. Music is good in a place like this.


I had to have a word with ‘Dunky’ just to let him know that since we put up with his wee upsets, he should be more understanding of the troubles of other people. I think he was a wee bit taken aback but everybody who was there wanted to ‘have a go at him.’ To keep the peace, I agreed to be the go-between. Being the diplomat that I am, I was the best choice.

Thankfully I did manage to get through to ham and next morning he went in to see Marsh and ask her to make his apologies to the singers who are going to come back to do a free concert.


When we receive privileges, these should be kept in mind when someone else needs them. We are supposed to treat everyone the same as Jesus treats us and He never treats us unkindly.


Who among us is so good that we can stand without the strength of the Lord? We must think of that when we get agitated about the behaviour of others.




Almighty God, thank You for Your constant care and protection. Help Us to follow the teaching of Your Son Jesus who taught that we should be merciful to all our Neighbours. Just as You overlook our faults help us to overlook the faults of others, remembering that we have as many faults as anyone else. We depend on You every day of our lives, for every breath we take and for every day of our lives.

We put our lives in Your hands and trust that Your holy Spirit will stay with us always, amen

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