Monday 8 May 2023

Thought for Monday, 8 May 2023

 Colossians 4:5-6

Live wisely among those who are not Christians

and make the most of every opportunity.  Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone.

Today’s words were written by the Apostle Paul while imprisoned along with a fellow Christian called Aristarchus and he is spelling out to the early Churches in Colossae and Laodicea how they should behave in their daily lives if they are truly Christians. 

Paul tells us to ’live wisely’ but what does living wisely look like?  If we live exactly as those around us who do not share our faith, if we behave, speak and act as they do, if we agree with all the things they agree with, are we really ‘living wisely’?  Are we any different from the atheist or the agnostic?  

Paul tells us to ‘make the most of every opportunity’, presumably when we are in the company of non-Christians.  What does this mean, the opportunity to do what?  I believe that as Christians, we have to think differently than non-Christians and when in their company, not be afraid to voice our opposition or disagreement about something that we know isn’t right, something we know that Jesus would not approve of.  This is what I think Paul means when it comes to ‘making the most of every opportunity’. 

Paul tells us that our conversation should be ‘gracious and effective’.  From this, I’m taking it that we should not be aggressive or overbearing or sarcastic when putting our views forward.  For our point to be effective, we need to be 100% sure of its accuracy.  If it’s based on scripture and not just our own feelings or knowledge, it will be.  If folks around us disagree and refuse to even consider the possibility that we may be right then we have to just graciously walk away and pray that at some point, the truth will be revealed to them by the Holy Spirit.  It may just be the case that you have planted a seed and it may take some time for that seed to develop. 

If we do all of the above, it would go a long way to help us ‘live wisely’.  The distinguished writer and poet, Edgar Guest once wrote;  ‘ I’d rather see a sermon, than hear one, any day’. 

Prayer – Heavenly Father, we thank you for the faith you have given each and every one of us who believes in you.   Help us in our daily behaviour and the manner in which we treat those with whom we come into contact, reflect our Christian beliefs in the ways that we interact with them whether they are believers or non-believers.  Help us learn how to live wisely and be gracious to our fellow man at all times and may our faith grow and mature throughout our lives.   Amen.

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