Monday 1 May 2023

Thought for Monday, 1 May 2023

 1 John 4:6

We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever

is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognise the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

I can only imagine how disappointed God is with us now. In fact, I cannot even imagine how He feels. Truth has all but disappeared in the world amidst this ‘woke’ culture. Truth is turned on its head and those who do not stand against the lies being perpetrated among those who are trying so hard to develop their father's agenda, are just following like sheep. However, they are following a false shepherd, which is even worse than those who really think they are right in their belief.

We who know the true Shepherd, should be standing shouting the truth, at the top of our voices but so many are afraid to get involved in the anger and bullying. Some have family involved in the agenda to change the words of the bible that do not verify their assertions that there are many genders, and no genders.

Genesis 1

 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

God made them, male and female!

Are we willing to let the children of evil overcome God’s word or are we on the Lord’s side and willing to be heard? Before anyone starts saying anything about so-called phobias, God made all of us what we are but satan has taken control of some who cannot stand against him and so will build an army for his intention to create chaos.

Our human reasoning alone isn’t enough to discern truth from error. The best protection against deception is to know God’s revealed truth, the Bible.                                                                                                                                     Ruth E. Van Reken:

Even the Anglican Church abroad have distanced themselves from the Anglican Church in England because they are moving away from biblical teaching.

Is this what is in store for all of us? Are we all just going to sit back and let evil ‘do its thing’?

Are we from God and speaking for God? I surely hope and pray that there will be many who will see sense before it’s too late for them.



Almighty Lord God, we have seen what is happening, but it is so much to take in. Help us to turn to you for courage and strength to fight the battle that is coming upon us. We do not know how swiftly it will overtake us but whether it is next week or next century, we are here at its beginning. Help us to leave a sure and firm foundation for Your children to follow. Let Your Son and Holy Spirit lead us through Your holy word so that we can speak it to others with confidence that we are relaying the truth.


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