Friday 28 April 2023

Thought for the day, Friday, 28 April 2023

 Romans 12 verse 19

Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written (in the book of Deuteronomy )
“It is mine to avenge” says the Lord.

I know a man who calls coincidence Godincidence.

I have to admit I have not adhered to God’s teachings this past while.
When I should be turning the other cheek, forgiving those who do you wrong, loving one another, do not overcome evil by evil but overcome evil with good etc. etc.
I am fighting against these words and
I am so so angry with myself as I know it is not God’s teaching and I profess to be a Christian and follow God’s word.
How ashamed do I feel.
So, when Bill’s sermon from Roman’s on Sunday related to my concern, how much of a Godincidence was that and I thank God that He has given me direction and put me back on track.
I did what was preached — read my bible prayed every day etc. And I am so glad to say I have now grown, grown, grown

We all are sinners in some way or another and Jesus died on a cross for our sins. We sometimes fall from Grace but God and the bible are there to guide and help us get back on track.

I am so glad I believe in God and Jesus AND I KNOW if I fall from grace or do not adhere to His word He will pick me up and show me the way.
What a privilege and honour to know someone who will do that for you. And all you have to do is truly BELIEVE.

Lord thank you for showing me the way and putting me back on track.
It is written in Isaiah “do not fear, I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”. For this I am grateful .
Lord Take away my fears and I know that because I have committed my life to you you are in control of my circumstances and you know what is best for me and for this I am eternally grateful. Let me, listen and learn and follow your ways and teachings for ever and ever.

Sent from my iPad

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