Monday 3 April 2023

Thought for Monday, 3 April

1 Timothy 5:15

Some have in fact already turned away to follow Satan.

Billy Sunday said, "I know the devil

is real for two reasons: #1, because the Bible says so, and #2, because I’ve done business with him.”

We have all ‘done business’ with the devil! There was only ever one man who lived and did not ‘do business’ with Satan, that was the man Jesus. Even when He was hungry and thirsty in the wilderness, Jesus refused to do business with Satan. The fact that Satan was able to use scripture when trying to tempt Christ meant nothing. Jesus was able to reject the words quoted by quoting scripture back at him.

The only way we can hope to defeat the devil is by knowing the word of God and we know that Jesus is the word of God. This means we must learn all we can about Him, speak to Him when we are faced with temptation. The New Testament teaches us about Jesus, but the Old Testament also teaches us. The Old Testament prophets tell us about Jesus’ coming so many years ahead of His actual birth, so we can be sure of the truth of it.

The problem today is that so many more people are doing business with Satan, even to the extent of making changes to words and meanings of the words of God. Even this was prophesied in the Old Testament.

There was a ‘psychic’ visit to the complex on Friday night, I was not there but tickets were sold out. Why is it that people attend these soothsayers and believe what they are told yet cannot believe the prophets of God? It does say in  Leviticus 19:31

‘“Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.

To be honest, I have no interest in knowing what is going to happen, as long as God knows that’s good enough for me because I know I can trust God’s plan.

Let us use this week to delve deeper than ever into the word, to learn more about our Lord and our God, Jesus Christ.



Lord Jesus, be with each of us, on our personal journeys, to come ever closer to You. Help us not to depend on anything but the inspired word of God to teach us what we need to know about living in and with You. Lead us in the way You taught the disciples when You were with them. Open our ears and hearts to hear and understand what You tell us. Help us to let people see You by how we live and speak. We pray in Your own precious name, amen.




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