Monday, 21 October 2024

Thought for 7 October 2024


2 Timothy 1:9-10

It is God who saved us and chose us to live a holy life.  He did this not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan long before the world began – to show his love and kindness to us through Christ Jesus. 

And now he has made all of this plain to us by the coming of Christ Jesus, our Saviour, who broke the power of death and showed us the way to everlasting life through the Good News.

Yesterday morning, worship at Holytown was exceptionally well attended for two main reasons.  The first was observance of the Lord’s supper by participating in the sacrament of Holy Communion.  The second reason was that the service included a formal process that marked the official end of the Girls Brigade at Holytown.  One of the Girls presented a brief history of the company from the days of its formation right up until the current time.  It ended with the company colours being handed over to our interim moderator who was leading worship who laid them on the floor of our chancel just in front of the communion table.  It was an incredibly sad moment, and this was evidenced by the tears streaming down the cheeks of many of the congregation as the ceremony came to an end.  I believe that we are not alone and that other companies are going through the same devastatingly emotional process. 

Between Church organisations finishing up and the closure of Churches all over Scotland as a result of the mission planning process, it is an incredibly challenging time within the Church of Scotland.  Our memories of well-attended Boys and Girls Brigade companies attached to our Church marching from St Andrews street and led by a more than adequate number of officers would appear to be long gone. 

Between these youth organisations and the school curriculums of the not too distant past, some would fall away but others would be believers for life but at least they were all given the opportunity of hearing the Good News. 

The Good News that we were taught in our youth is still the same Good News that exists today but with Christian youth organisations disappearing and there not being so much Christian teaching in the educational curriculum, how do the young folks nowadays get to hear about it?  The guidelines as to how we should live within the pages of the bible are as relevant today as they were when we were young.  I was blessed to have parents that constantly encouraged me in the ways I should behave but even all those years ago, I was well aware that this was not always the case for every boy and girl.  Youth organisations, Sunday School and Bible Class helped bridge this gap. 

As our reading tells us, ‘the way to everlasting life is through the Good News’.  We need to pray that the Holy Spirit will find a way of getting this Good News to young and old alike and be thankful that we have lived in an era when it was freely and readily available. 

Heavenly Father, we praise you for our great salvation, which was revealed at the coming of our Lord Jesus. We thank You that Christ was sent to abolish death and to bring life and hope to those who believe.  We thank You that he is coming again to finish His work, when all things will be placed under His feet and Christ will be all in all.  We solemnly and sincerely pray for this Good News to be heard by everyone, both young and old.  Amen.


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