Hebrews 10:24, 35-36
Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.
So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord, no matter what happens. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.This portion of scripture is headed ‘a call to persevere’. We were approached recently by a local resident who stays in the Wilkie Drive estate across from the Church in Holytown and is a member of a Glasgow Church. She suggested that an event be held in our hall with the purpose of bringing people together, having a bite to eat, engendering community spirit and sharing the love of Jesus with them. The event was given a harvest theme with those attending being asked to bring a donation of non-perishable food that could be passed on to the Salvation Army and any other suitable local charity for distribution to families that are finding it difficult to cope with the current cost of living. This event took place on Saturday past and was ably supported by members of our Guild. The attendance was less than hoped for, but it was a new initiative with all the best intentions for Christian outreach and all those involved in making it happen can say ‘at least we tried’.
Over the years, I have taken part in discussions with folks from other Churches who have tried various initiatives to bring others to the faith. Invariably, they have differing levels of support and encouragement from some of their colleagues e.g. ‘that’s a great idea’, ‘I’m not sure if that’ll work but let’s give it a try’, ‘that’ll never work’, ‘that was a waste of time and effort’ and other such mixed messages. Those that are first to criticise rarely suggest alternatives and negative comments such as the examples given can dampen the enthusiasm of those who are genuinely trying to do the right thing in terms of bringing folks to the Lord and doing what Church people should be doing. The choices are basically between ‘what can we try or do next’ or ‘we’re better off doing nothing’.
I heard on the radio this morning that the famous Olympian cyclist, Chris Hoy has received devastating news about his health in that he has a terminal illness and that his life expectancy is probably four years at most. Now this must be one of the fittest looking men you could ever see and it must have come as a tremendous shock to him and he hasn’t yet reached the age of fifty and it is only recently his wife was diagnosed with MS. Chris is still commentating on cycling events in Copenhagen and appears to be dealing with his current situation very courageously. He has accepted death as one of life’s inevitabilities, something we will all face at some time. In his case, he knows that it will happen sooner than most around him. Some are in the same position as Chris but for most, it is only God who knows when it is our time.
Today’s reading doesn’t require much interpretation, its meaning is clear. If our intentions are for the good of the Church or those around us, we should always be encouraged and helped by our fellow Christians. It also tells us to trust in the Lord no matter what happens. I don’t know anything about the beliefs of Sir Chris but we should pray that the Spirit of the Lord is with him in these coming years and all those people who are in a similar position. In terms of eternity, our lives are short, and we should use this brief interlude we are given to do our best to please our Lord and Saviour who gave everything for us. We should also remember that the reward is great and that it awaits all who sincerely believe in Him.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the word of truth and the warnings and encouragement that it contains for our spiritual learning and Christian maturity. We pray for all those who are facing challenges in their lives. Help them cope and strengthen them to face all that they have to face. We pray that we may be faithful to you in thought, word, and deed, and thank you for your many precious promises in Christ Jesus our Saviour, in whose name we pray, Amen
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