Tuesday 6 August 2024

Thought for Monday, 5 August 2024

Exodus 3:14

God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am’, has sent me to you.’”


Tenney states the following:

The most distinctive name by which God was known in Israel is Yahweh (Jehovah), which comes from the same root as “I AM”.

“I Am’s” significant meaning here in Exodus is that Moses credentials for being the one to lead Egypt out of bondage are found in him using the name “I AM.” He is the One giving permission to Moses to use His name to deliver the Israelites. This will be done by God’s mighty power which will work through Moses.

“I am” and Yahweh come from the same root word but have different tense references “I am” is 1st person “Yahweh” 3rd Person.

The covenant name for the God of Israel in the Old Testament is Yahweh. This name was so sacred that by the second century BC the Jews refused to pronounce it. Orthodox Jews will not pronounce this sacred name even today. When the ancient Jewish Scholar came across the name Yahweh he would pronounce it “Adonai” which means my Lord.

The Hebrew at that time had no vowels. The system of vowel points had not been invented, and therefore Yahweh was written YHVH, which is called the Tetragrammaton (The four-letter word). No one really knows how it was pronounced. When the Masoretic scholars added to the consonantal word YHVH the vowels from the word Adonai, the name turned out to be YaHoVah.” However, this is a hybrid word. Therefore, Jehovah has been dropped from many modern translations in favour of “Yahweh.”

Seven times in the New Testament, Jesus said, ‘I AM’ before a description of who He was.

I am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)      I am the Light of the World (John 8:12)

I am the Door (John 10:9)                 I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14)

I am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)

These statements emphasise Jesus’ divine identity and purpose. 

In Hebrew Scriptures, the number seven is significant, being the number symbolising perfection. Can anyone of us deny that perfection in Jesus?

Violence and wickedness in the world are escalating. Until now it was always at someone else’s door, but the rising tide has now reached us. Now we see, in our own home country, the riots and mayhem on our streets. No thought is given to the lives that are lost or damaged in the upheaval.

 Everybody is intent on their own agenda and if you do not agree then you are a ‘legitimate target’ for the hatred felt by the perpetrators of the violence, on either side. Some don’t even know why they are fighting. They just feel the need to be violent. Does anyone else think that the hand of Satan is controlling more than a few of the rioters?

Now is the time for us to stand firm in Jesus, the great I AM who is with us and just waiting for our call for protection, from the evil that is beginning to surround us and our loved ones.

We cannot ease up for a rest, we must keep praying as if our lives depended on it…. because they do. We have got to keep in our minds that Father, Son and holy Spirit are one God, always ready for us to cry out to them. They are more than able to deal with those who follow the path of the wicked.



Caring Father, we look to You now, with Your Son and Spirit, to keep Your children safe as the violence increases around the world. You have told us many times not to worry about anything, because You are with us. We know that as long as we trust and believe in You, we will be held safely in Your arms. Please bless each one of us and our families, along with all Your children around the world, who have already been subjected to the mob violence we are just beginning to experience. Father we also ask Your blessing on those who, because of mental problems, are being used by ringleaders, for their own purposes. We leave our lives in Your hands, help us to live according to Your will. In Jesus name, amen.



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