Friday 30 August 2024

Thoight for 26 August

 Matthew 19:13-14

One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them.

  But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him.  But Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me.  Don’t stop them!  For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children’.

Today’s reading comes from the heart of the ministry of Jesus as he was travelling through the countryside and teaching just East of the River Jordan, still some distance from Jerusalem.

The first thing that struck me with this passage was that all those years ago, parents brought their children to Jesus.  This wasn’t done so they could get a wee bit of peace and quiet, or so that they would get a chance to get the shopping done, they didn’t send their children to Jesus, they brought them.  They brought their children to Jesus so that they would receive the blessings that they believed only Jesus could provide.

The disciples tried to prevent the parents getting anywhere near Jesus with their children.  I would imagine that this was because they wanted to leave him free to carry out the aspects of his ministry that they felt were most important.  The Lord corrected them showing the importance of children getting the opportunity of getting to hear him and to know him.

I guess there are several lessons to be learned from this couple of verses.  Parents should give their children the chance of getting to know Jesus and the things he taught us.  They should bring their children, not send them so the parents as well as the children would hear his teaching.  The message that Jesus brought wasn’t just for educated folks, church leaders or adults in general, but for everyone no matter how young or how old and no matter their background.

If a parent tells a child what to do or what not to do, they are doing it for the benefit of the child, they are doing it out of love for their child.  Although the child may not always like what they are being told, they will learn that it is the right thing to do and failure to obey the rules set down by their parents will inevitably result in some sort of sanction or punishment.  Hopefully as they reach adulthood, they will endeavour to get their own children to behave in the ways they were taught by their own parents.

In days past, the rules for living given by our parents were supplemented by the Christian teaching we received at school, at Sunday School and in the Church youth organisations. This showed us that there is a bigger and more important picture of behaviour that we should be made aware of. It is a real concern that not only children, but the parents as well are not hearing the teaching of Jesus in these modern times in the home, at school and in the media.  

The Gospel is a gift directly from God and holds a promise for when our lives in this world come to an inevitable end and it begs the question of what powers have led to the situation today when that message is being denied to the ordinary man, woman and child.

Prayer – Heavenly Father, help us to be more child-like in our attitudes and in our outlook with the sort of faith that trusts you in a similar manner to that of a child, and we pray that our hearts are ever open towards you. Teach us, Lord, to live in purity of heart and gentleness of spirit, so that Jesus may be reflected through us, to those with whom we come into contact with each day of our lives.  We also pray for your intervention to show us ways how the message can reach those who are not currently hearing it.  This we ask in Jesus name and for his glory,  Amen

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