Monday 8 July 2024

Thought for 5 July

Hebrews 10:23-25 

Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.  Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds. 

And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near.

Well, another general election has taken place and the results are in.  Some of us will be happy with the results and some of us unhappy and that’s how our general elections work.  In five years’ time, the winners might win again or they might be replaced by the current losers and so the cycle continues.  Some folk we recognise as being likeable will have lost their jobs, replaced by others who might be equally as likeable, maybe a bit more likeable or maybe a bit less likeable.  I watched some of the coverage and there was quite a touching moment when one MP lost his seat after representing his constituency for the last 20 years.  He made a really gracious speech in defeat and appeared genuinely sincere for wishing his victor every success in her new position which extended to offering her help and advice if she ever required it.  Not every MP in his position was so courteous in defeat.  It certainly appeared that the beaten MP certainly had cared for those who had elected him over his 20 years in office.  It would be interesting if it were possible to measure exactly how much someone really cares whether in relation to a profession, a career, a skill, a personal relationship or even the relationship we have with our God and saviour. 

Promises have been made by our newly elected leaders.  It would be great if all these promises were kept but I am not aware of any time in our history that promises made by politicians have been faithfully kept.  If my memory is at fault here, I can only apologise.  The parties who have done well in this election will get together to celebrate and the parties that have not done well will get together to regroup, reflect on what has led to a poor result and try and find ways of developing some sort of recovery plan. 

Today’s reading assures us that God can be trusted to keep his promise and there has been no instances throughout the Old and New testaments where God has reneged on his.  We, as Christians will continue to face challenges throughout our lives that have been given to us either as individuals or as part of our church family.  It is good for us to meet together frequently to feed on the mutual support of our Christian brothers and sisters and encourage one another to be strong in the faith until Jesus returns for a second time.  As each day passes, his return comes closer. 

Prayer – Heavenly Father we draw near to you in faith, full of assurance, with our hearts cleansed from a guilty conscience and with our bodies washed clean with the blood that you shed for us.  Grant that we may hold fast to our confession of faith, without wavering, since we know that you, the one who keeps your promises, is always faithful and will remain faithful until it is the time for your glorious return.  Amen

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