Thursday 28 December 2023

Thought for 27 December

John 1:14 NIVUK

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

The famed Austrian psychologist Carl Jung once wrote about a life without God:

“Those psychiatrists who are not superficial have come to the conclusion that the vast neurotic misery of the world could be TERMED a neurosis of emptiness.

Men cut themselves off from the root of their being, from God and then life turns empty, inane, meaningless, without purpose.

So, when God goes, goal (purpose) goes.

When goal goes, meaning goes.

When meaning goes, value goes, and life turns dead on our hands.”


When we look around, we can see the result of people cutting themselves of from God, people living empty lives looking for something to replace the love of God that they have rejected and turned away from.

The saddest thing of all is that they are looking in the wrong places, places where the voice they want to follow is the very voice that will bring destruction on them. They hear the voices of the followers of Satan, who offer all the things fallen flesh hungers for. Even those who previously followed and taught about, the love and sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, have turned their backs on the Holy one of God, on God the Father Himself.

Self-gratification is the new order of the day, nothing seems to be too base or corrupt for their appetites and those with weaker hearts are led deeper and deeper into the life offered by evil minds.

We see evidence all around us, our young people being corrupted by people who have themselves been corrupted by even more corrupt adults who have chosen to follow Satan as he makes his moves to overcome the world.

We who are still faithful to our Saviour need to be diligent in our prayer life and listening for the voice of the Father, Son and Spirit. We must put on the full armour of God when dealing with the hosts of Hell, so that we will still be alive in the Lord at the end of days.

Jude 1:20-21

But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.


Eternal Father, we approach You with grateful thanks for all Your mercies. Lord Jessus, we thank You for the sacrifice You made on the cross of Golgotha, Holy Spirit, we thank You for all the times that You have carried our prayers to the Father when we could not put our thoughts into words. Father, Son and Spirit we now must depend even more fully on You as we stand strong in Your love and provision. Father, You have adopted us as Your own children through the blood of Your beloved Son and our trust is in Your strength as we await the return of Jesus at the appointed time. Amen

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