Wednesday 25 October 2023

Thought for Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Proverbs 1:8-9

Listen my child to what your father teaches you.  Don’t neglect your mother’s teaching

.  What you learn from them will crown you with grace and clothe you with honour.

I selected this reading today prompted by the fact that it was my father’s birthday.  I’m assuming like most of you, we often think of our parents whether they are still around or whether they have passed to the next life.  In my own experience, I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t hold their parents or the memories of their parents in high regard.  No doubt there will be those who have difficult relations with one or both parents but as I sit here considering my own group of friends, I just don’t know anyone who falls into that category.  Any time I think of my parents or the parents of those around me, it is always a positive experience and the only regrets I have are questions that come into my mind every now and then that only they can answer and because they are not around, the questions remain unanswered.

We will all have different memories of what our fathers taught us.  My father taught me how to ride a two-wheeler bike.  He also taught me to say please and thanks at the right times, not to pass anyone without a ‘good morning’ etc., he taught me to recognise the call of an owl and I think he taught me how to be a decent person.  I find it harder to remember specific things my mother taught but I recognise there must have been plenty because, especially when I was young, like most of us, I spent much more time in her company than in my fathers.

A preacher I’ve been following online was asked how he prepared his sermons.  He said once he had selected a piece of scripture, he would pray to be blessed with understanding and to determine the message he would eventually deliver.  He said that every time he began this process it was like sitting staring at a blank piece of paper or in these times of technology, a blank word document.  The reading and praying routine would continue until the words began to come that would eventually fill the blank piece of paper or the blank word document.  The interesting part is that no matter how many repeat this process as described, the words on the paper or screen that eventually become clear will always differ, possibly indicating or reflecting the unique personal relationship each of us has with our God.  This something we could all try to make our consideration of holy scripture more personally meaningful.

Earlier in this chapter, the purpose of this book of the bible is outlined.  It is to teach us wisdom and discipline and help us understand wise sayings.  Through these wise sayings, we will learn how to behave in ways that that are right, just and fair.  The wise who read these proverbs will receive even more wisdom and those who study them and open their hearts and minds to God will come to realise and understand the depth of meaning they contain.  Verse seven tells us that fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and that only fools despise the wisdom and discipline that is taught in its pages.

Prayer - Heavenly Father, We thank you for the parents you gave us, for all the things they taught us, for all the things they did for us and simply, for loving us.  We thank you for the love you bestowed on us through them.  We also pray for those who have difficult relationships with their parents and pray for your intervention to make things right for them.  Amen

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