Wednesday 9 August 2023

Thought for Wednesday, 9 August

Leviticus 25:10

Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty

throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each of you is to return to your family property and to your own clan.

Yesterday in the complex we had a 50th anniversary party so it seemed too weird to be coincidence for a reading today to be this chapter of th bible.

The fiftieth year of Trust Housing is next month so we celebrated yesterday because the ‘high heid yins’ want every complex to choose a different day. I suppose so that they could get more cake and coffee.

Everyone had a great time singing along with the singers we booked for entertainment along with all the goodies provided (no I was not stuffing my face all afternoon!)

During a wee refreshment break one of the singers mentioned that everybody seemed to get on so well, apparently some other places do not have the same feeling of being in tune with each other. We could all agree that we are like a family, none of us related to another but with the kind of rapport not often found in communities thrown together as we are.

Of course, there are squabbles and falling out but usually, memories being what they are at our age the sun brings another day and another chance to be family again.

There are one or two that we don’t see much of for one reason or another, but everyone was there to join in. Mind you I could not help but remember a sentence I read a few weeks ago, ‘Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet: there's always one determined to face in the opposite direction from the way the arranger desires.’

This is so true in every sphere of life, just as much in God’s family as in any other. People fall away from faith some others find faith while others may struggle to find their place in the family.

God welcomes everyone who reaches out to Him. Jesus died to make this possible and we are the ones who should be the voice God can use to give the welcome. Of course, like our earthly fathers, God does not like it when we squabble among ourselves. We were made to be family, to give help and build each other up so that we can present a united front when we meet opposition.

There is plenty of hostility to us in the world today without us falling out with each other. Let us dress in the Gospel armour and be prepared to meet the enemy.


Almighty Father, we are Your family, made worthy by the blood of Your beloved Son. We did not deserve to be forgiven but You knew this, Jesus also knew so it was decided that He would take our burdens to the cross. How could we ever have been able to pay such a price? How can we repay? We cannot, so it is only right that we carry out the tasks You put before us. Help us Lord God to be ready for the day, when it comes, that we will need Your armour to protect us in the battle ahead. Amen.

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