Monday 24 July 2023

Thought for Monday 24 July 2023

Matthew 13:31-33

He told them another parable: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed,

which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.’

A gardener, prompted by curiosity, counted the seed pods on a medium-sized mustard plant. There were 85. The average number of seeds in each pod was eight. Since two crops in a given year could be matured, the gardener figured that it was possible in the interim between February and mid-October to produce a yield of 462,000 seeds, all from one original plant. Many other species of plants far exceed that increase.

If the seed of a mustard plant can produce that kind of result, IMAGINE what the Spiritual seed that God gives us can do!

This is the kind of production we are supposed to aim for. We may not always achieve it but if we sow the word, we can leave it to God to do the rest. No point in us saying that we are not able, God can enable us. He will equip us for the tasks He gives us.

There are many great pastors and preachers throughout history, and they were not all born with the ability to preach. Most of them learnt on the job, after giving their lives to Jesus. Being committed to spreading the word of God allowed God to transform them into the preachers they became.

When God called the prophets, they all protested that they were unworthy or too young or something else which God did not accept as an excuse. They were all more like us than we might be willing to admit, because if we admitted to being like the prophets in their arguments then we have no excuse worth being called a reason.

God is not likely to reason with us! He decides on a course of action and a person to carry out that action, no quibbles, no argument and especially no refusal so be prepared. If you are not willing to step up to the plate voluntarily, you may well be chosen and then there is no going back.

When God chose Jesus to go to the cross Jesus accepted the will of the Father. Of course, He asked for the bitter ‘cup’ to be removed but added that His Father’s will was to be done. Who are we to refuse our creator God anything.


Almighty Father, let us be open to all Your wishes, no matter what this may entail. We are Your children and would not be here except for Your mercy. It seems such a small thing You have asked us to do, to spread Your word should be our chief goal in life. It should be but many are afraid of being called ‘bible-thumpers’ or losing so called friends if they mention their belief in You, Your Son and Your Spirit. Give all of us the courage to do what is right and follow Your wishes. In the blessed name of Jesus, amen



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