Monday 26 June 2023

Thought for Monday, 26 Junee 2023

Matthew 9:36 NIVUK

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them,

because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.



"Compassion is the sometimes-fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else’s skin.

It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too."

Frederick Buechner, "Wishful Thinking."

According to Oxford Dictionaries compassion is a noun that means sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. It strikes me that I see more compassion here in this complex than is often seen outside it.

There are twenty flats tenanted by a variety of people, all with some type of disability from mental health to physical health. Everyone looks out for one another, we are not supposed to give physical help to each other (health and safety) but often someone will drop something and, if they find it hard to pick it up and no support worker available, one of us will pick it up for them.

We have one lady who lives upstairs and is terrified of the lift. If there is no-one going to be using the lift, one of the others will go up in the lift with her then just come right back down.

There are three tenants in hospital at the moment and the staff are taking it in turn to visit them on their days off, even taking one of us with them if we ask. The staff are not expected to do this and are certainly not paid for doing it but like most people who work in the caring sector, they are full of compassion for their ‘wee men and women’ so it’s no trouble for them.

We read or hear in the news about the obvious lack of compassion in the world today. Even in families we know there is often a lack of compassion among the members of the family. Parents with no feelings for children and siblings with no clear emotional ties to each other.

The story of The Good Samaritan comes to mind, where a priest and a Levite passed a man lying on the road badly beaten. Where was the compassion there? It was left to a Samaritan man to give help to the injured man, a man who was deemed to be an enemy of the Jews.

Jesus was (is) all about compassion. He healed the sick in body and mine, regardless of who they were, or the cost to Himself. Jesus was often exhausted by the end of the day, but He still went out the next day and healed and taught as many as wanted to hear Him or be healed by Him.

The only time I can recall Jesus refusing to help someone was in Matthew 15: 21-28 when a Canaanite woman asked Him to heal her demon possessed daughter. When she gave Him an answer to that refusal Jesus granted her request.

How then can we afford not to treat each other as Jesus treats us? Whether neighbour or stranger Jesus expects us to treat them as we would surely treat Him. After all which of us would know if it was Jesus we were shunning?



Merciful Saviour, we come today knowing we do not always treat other people in the way You would approve. We forget that we are all equal in Your sight and should show respect and empathy to everyone we come in contact with. No matter what their station in life, no-one is better or worse than anyone else. We all need Your understanding, help us to remember there is no ‘them and us’ in Your life there is only ‘us’. We see evidence of Satan getting a foothold on earth and we must do what we can to delay his progress. Help us to show Your love by how we treat our fellow man or woman. Amen



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