Monday 22 May 2023

Thought for Monday 22 May 2023

 Galations 5:13

13 For, dear brothers, you have been given freedom: not freedom to do wrong,

but freedom to love and serve each other. 

Just a wee reminder that this week, the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland is meeting in Edinburgh.  If you go to the Church of Scotland’s website, there is a live stream and you can watch and listen to some of the business that’s going on – some that will be of interest and some, less so. 

I listened to some of the proceedings today and have heard various ministers and elders arguing over the wording in certain reports, possible amendments and each of the individuals that stood up were very eloquent, apparently sincere and were keen to put their point across.  As a mere onlooker, I found myself struggling to understand the significance of the points most of these speakers were making.  This could be down to my simplistic thinking or their over-elaboration, I’m not quite sure.  I think I would have needed someone who really understood what was going on to explain to me the significance of all the arguments and counter-arguments.  This process, which is fairly time consuming will be repeated throughout this week and after all the exchanges have taken place, commissioners will vote on each item of business and the proposals with most votes will be included in Church law and procedures for the future. 

We have a new Moderator who seems very pleasant and competent.  Rt Rev Sally Foster-Fulton, who has led Christian Aid in Scotland since 2016, will serve as the Kirk's ambassador at home and abroad for the next 12 months.  The 59-year-old said she is "beyond humbled, inexpressibly honoured and more than a wee bit excited" to represent the Church in this role.  Mrs Foster-Fulton is looking forward to meeting and encouraging people involved in church work at local, national and international levels at a time of unprecedented challenge and opportunity.  She was passed the official ring and chain of office by the outgoing Moderator, Very Rev Dr Iain Greenshields. 

With all the business that has been going on in our presbytery and other presbyteries throughout Scotland under the banner of mission planning how can those involved separate their will or the will of the congregations they represent from God’s will? 

One of my favourite hymns is ‘And can it be that I should gain’ and one of the verses begins ‘no condemnation now I dread’.  This from Romans 8:1 that says: ‘So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus’.  In today’s reading Paul reminds us that once accepting Christ as our saviour, we absolutely don’t have the right or freedom to behave in any way we choose.  We have to behave towards others in love and take the decisions we have to make in a manner that will be acceptable before God. 

Prayer - Heavenly Father, we know that not everyone lives free. Some are bound by chains, some by laws, some by pain. Today, please give us the opportunity to make the free choice to be a servant to someone else. Let us use freedom to serve, not just to seek selfish pleasure. Amen. 



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