Friday 17 March 2023

Thought for the day Friday, 17 March 2023

Psalm 23:1-3

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. 

I heard these words so often at Primary School that they are permanently etched in my head, even to this day.  My teacher in P6 and P7 was a Mr McFadyen and, if my memory serves me well, every day was begun with a hymn or psalm and a prayer.  I’m guessing that isn’t the case these days.  He taught us worship songs that had good words and good tunes like ‘Who would true valour see’, ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ and the like, and I love all those songs of praise as much today as when they were first taught in my last two primary school classes.  Between that and Church and Sunday School and the Boys Brigade, there were various ways that we were exposed to the gospel in our younger years.  I’m certain that when the Lord looked down upon all the folks that were attempting to teach boys and girls about the times he walked the earth along with all the Old Testament stories, it would have been pleasing in his sight.  How must he feel when he looks down on the world today 

The things that are important to people have changed greatly.  The type of stories that hit the headlines are different today than they were ten years ago never mind twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or sixty years ago.  I wonder what influences the media people that write the headlines and if those same influences have something to do with the changes in our society.  If that is a possibility, where exactly does the source of influence begin? 

For people that are influenced to do good in this world, we read in James 1:17, ‘Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above’.  If that is the case, then what is it that influences people (from our neighbour to powerful corporations) to do the wrong thing?  Surely there is ample evidence that there is a force for good and a force for evil in the world today and yet the Christian churches that teach what is good are in decline.  Who appears to be winning this battle in today’s society? 

We are driven to get bigger televisions, book more exotic holidays, buy bigger cars yet if the Lord is our Shepherd, we lack nothing.  I prefer the promise of green pastures, still waters and refreshment of the soul to a daily diet of reality television, soaps and social media with the continual drip of adverts trying to relieve us of what money we have.  If we hold to our Lord, he will keep us on the right path and we will go with Him to wherever it leads. 

Prayer – Father of all grace and mercy, we praise Your name for Your wonderful words of comfort and Your promise that nothing can ever pluck us out of Your hand. Thank You that no matter what we do, You will restore us and lead us along life’s path, for the honour of Your name.  Amen

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