Wednesday 1 February 2023

Thought for Wednesday, 1 February 2023

 Genesis 1:14&19

And God said, ‘let bright lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. 

They will be signs to mark off the seasons, the days and the years.  This all happened on the fourth day.

Is it just me or did January just go much quicker than normal?  In years past, it always felt like the longest month of the year but not this year.  So here we are on the first day of February with snowdrops and crocuses telling us that springtime might not be too far away.


I’m trying to get back in to the routine of walking a bit more to, among other things, shed some of the additional weight I seem to have been gifted with over the Christmas season.  When I had my wee dog, walking was something I had to do every day but since losing him, there always seems to be a reason for not getting out in the fresh air and stretching my legs.


Yesterday I made the effort to go over to Hamilton, park behind the indoor football pitch, walk around the outdoor pitches, past the Mausoleum, through the tunnel under the M74, over the pedestrian bridge across the Clyde, past the water sports pavilion, on to the pavement next to the dual carriageway between Motherwell and Hamilton once again crossing the Clyde, down a wee set of steps just over the bridge on to a quiet path that takes you back to the tunnel that runs under the M74, turn left once through the tunnel and complete the lap of the sports pitches I had began earlier and return to the car.  All this took about 50 minutes and it was not a chore, I really enjoyed it.  It was nice and peaceful apart from the short time crossing the bridge between Motherwell and Hamilton which was really noisy due to all the traffic.  A walk like this gives you time to think, time to reflect and even, time to pray at the same time as you are getting some exercise and the benefit of breathing fresh air.


I thought about the miracle of season following season, all achieved on the fourth day of creation, the coldness despite the blue sky above, the torrential rain that made me sit in the car for ten minutes before commencing my walk.  I was so thankful that I was fit enough to do this and thought about those who would dearly like to be doing the same but were no longer able.  The otter that I’ve seen under the pedestrian bridge wasn’t there today but maybe I’ll see it next time or the time after that.  I thought about my wee pal that had covered pulpit supply in Holytown before Caryl came that had passed away the day before, knowing that his trials are now over and that he would be with his saviour in whom he put his trust.  I asked for help in being better organised in the day to day tasks set before me.


On reflection, God was a part of everything that went through my mind in that 50 minute walk and the conclusion I have reached since, is that God really is all around, we just have to open our eyes and our hearts and seek him out.


Prayer – Heavenly Father, You threw stars into space on that fourth day of creation and set them in their various courses to be for signs and seasons, days and years. We praise You for the different seasons and for the various prophetic signs that have been recorded in Scripture for our learning. Teach us Your ways and draw us closer to You with every passing day, year, season, and tick of the clock. Help us to interpret the signs of the times, knowing that Jesus is coming soon to take us to be with Himself. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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