Friday 13 January 2023

Thought for Friday, 13 January 2023

 Exodus 13:17-18

When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country,

though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” So, God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle.

A little boy was leading his sister up a mountain path and the way was not too easy. "Why this isn't a path at all," the little girl complained. "It's all rocky and bumpy." Her little brother kept on up the mountain, pausing just long enough to call out "Sure, but the bumps are what you climb on."

As we face the bumps on our road through this life, we are surely must be glad that God sets our feet on the bumps we encounter. Otherwise, we could find ourselves on the wrong path.

God did not want the Israelites to face Philistines because He knew they were still too close to Egypt and at the threat of war they would turn tail back to the country they had just left, to return to slavery and probably worse conditions than they had before.

We all have times when we find ourselves in the wrong place, but we do not always realise it. For instance, one of our wee tenants decided to use the stairs to get to her flat, however she uses a walker, and she was spotted trying to wrestle this upstairs with her. God was with her though, a workman rang the office to be admitted for a repair and he was able to bring her back down from the third step.

The worker should have been at a house across the road but had the wrong address on his worksheet. We are on the even side, and he wanted an odd number. Was this a coincidence or was God watching over her? I know what I think.

Things have worked out well because we all make sure our wee friend is never alone going back to her flat, so God is still at work for her.

We all need to look out for each other, we may be the hand that God uses to put a foot on the right bump to keep someone on the right path for the destination we all want.

Ours are the hands and feet that Our heavenly Father uses to do His work. We serve Him best when we serve each other.



Eternal Father, please be with us until we shrug off this earthly body. May our lives make a difference to others as we seek to serve You as ambassadors of Your heavenly Kingdom. Be with those who have not had the chance to know you and help them to be receptive to our approach to introduce You to them. Please also remember those who do Know You and Your Son but are in countries where their lives are in danger because of their love for You. Jesus told us that we would face persecution because of Him, and we thank You that we live in a country where we are free to worship openly. In Jesus name, amen.

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