Friday 12 April 2024

Thought for 12 April

 2 Timothy 3:15-16

You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.

  All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives.  It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right.

On Monday and Wednesday, I read about and wrote about Elisha.  Many great miracles took place when Elisha was around.  Elders from Jericho came to Elisha telling him the water was bad and that the earth was unproductive.  Elisha went out to the spring that supplied the town with water and poured salt into it.  And he said, “This is what the Lord says: I have purified this water. It will no longer cause death or infertility” and the water remained pure from that time on, just as Elisha said.

The next miracle was one I could relate to on a personal level.  Elisha left Jericho one day and was heading for Bethel when a group of boys from a local town began mocking him and making fun of him. ‘Go away you baldhead’ they chanted.  When Elisha turned to look at them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord.  At that point, two bears emerged from the surrounding woods and mauled the boys and there was forty-two lads involved.  It doesn’t say the boys were killed.  It sounds like they were given a serious clip round the ear only it wasn’t their parents dishing out the punishment, it was a couple of bears.  One of these situations when you could safely say; ‘they’ll not do that again’!!!

In 2 Kings 4, a widow whose husband had been one of Elisha’s fellow prophets came to him due to being unable to pay a debt.  Because of her inability to pay, the debtors were threatening to take her two sons as slaves.  Elisha asked her what she had in her house but all she had was a flask of olive oil.  He asked her to borrow as many vessels and containers as she could and then go into her house with her two sons and close the door.  He then asked her to fill each container from her flask until they were full then set them aside.  Elisha then told her to sell the olive oil.  There was enough to settle her debt and enough left over for her and her sons. (similar to the loaves and fishes miracle)

In the same chapter we read how Elisha regularly visited a neighbouring town called Shunem and on one of these occasions, a wealthy woman invited him to stay for a meal.  After that, whenever he visited this town, he would get something to eat from this woman.  The woman was sure Elisha was a holy man of God so she spoke to her husband and they both agreed to create a little furnished room for him so he could rest there when visiting the town.  On one of these occasions, Elisha sent his servant to the woman to tell her he wanted to speak with her.  Elisha asked the woman if there was anything he could do for her because he had influence over the King and the Commander of the army.  She refused saying her family takes good care of her and left him in peace.  So Elisha asked his servant what they could do for her.  His servant replied saying; “she doesn’t have a son, and her husband is an old man”.  Elisha once again sent his servant to bring her to him and he told her that; “next year at this time, you will be holding a son in your arms”.  The woman asked him not to deceive her or get her hopes up, but sure enough, just as Elisha had said, she became pregnant and had a son in the following year.

I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing some of the miraculous things God did through his prophet Elisha.  There were many more, some being similar to what Jesus did while he was in this world.  Elisha had a blessed relationship with God and possibly achieved even more than Elijah who came before him.  Despite all this, Elisha is only mentioned once in the New Testament because Jesus was the culmination of all prophets and messengers from God.  They had all played their part in God’s plan but now, the son was all that mattered. 

Society has used the bible in a symbolic capacity for many years, for example, in the court system when witnesses are required to swear on the bible that they will tell the truth etc.  In these situations, all that lies within the covers, stays within the covers and we don’t get to hear stories about Elisha or Jesus.  Even the process of swearing on the bible is being questioned in this day and age whether it is still necessary, and society is creating even greater barriers between God and the folks in this world of ours.  Can this be accidental or is it an indication of Satan being alive and active?

Prayer - We thank You, loving Father, for the holy Scriptures that contain the very breath of God. Teach us, convict us, correct us and train us through the living, powerful inspired Word of truth, that we  may be equipped to carry out the work that You have ordained for us to do. Keep us mindful of the dark days that face your Church in these end times and may we live and work for your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,  Amen  

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