Tuesday 19 March 2024

Thought for Monday, 18 March 2024

Joshua 1:9 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Martin Niemoeller was a German Pastor during the Nazi era and was imprisoned multiple times for his opposition to Hitler. Niemoeller understood that Hitler was distorting the gospel to serve his political agenda. In April 1945 American forces liberated northern Italy where Niemoeller had been taken for execution. After his release he worked tirelessly to restore Germany and its people. Many International honours were bestowed upon him. A few days before his death in 1984, he remarked: When I was young, I felt I had to carry the gospel. Now that I am old, I know that the gospel carries me.

If only that faith was still so prevalent today. What a wonderful world this would be….to quote a song from the past. 

I was talking with a few of the tenants today and we are all of the opinion that we are glad we are not bringing our children up in these times. No matter where we turn everything is in turmoil. Too many things are wrong for us to decide on any one subject.

The only thing we can depend on is our faith, our belief in God’s unchanging love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of our Father, God. We know that no matter how bad the world gets, God will never change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

However, just because we have this assurance it does not mean we don’t get to forget those who do not know God or His son. Not to mention the Holy Spirit, who protects, guides and teaches us, as well as being the comforter sent by Jesus when He ascended to His home with God.

Imagine what those people have to look forward to when everything comes tumbling down and they have not met Jesus at the cross. An eternity of endless suffering and misery lies ahead of them which, as Christians, we should be striving to save them from. Even if we only manage to save one each, how many would that add up to if we all work at it?

It is hard to tell someone who does not want to know, but we can speak by our actions, how we treat them and others can say so much about Christ. How we speak and what we are willing to listen to are noticed by people around us. Let us make a real effort to be the example that we are meant to be, the ‘bible’ that many have never read.

Let our faith be like that of Martin Niemoeller, let us carry the gospel to other people so that it can carry us to the end.


Sovereign Lord, let us be like Martin Niemoeller, carrying the gospel to those who have not heard it. Help us to act as Your children should, as an example of Jesus teachings. Give us that which we lack, to reach the lost and indifferent. There are so many people who deny Your existence and live as they please. So many who change Your word to suit their wants and lifestyle, let us be able to create doubts which may make them turn from their sins and seek You. We ask these things in Jesus’ wonderful name, amen.



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