Friday 16 February 2024

Thought for 14 February

John 13:34-35

Jesus said: ‘So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other.

 Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.  Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are one of my disciples.

I Corinthians 13:13

There are three things that will endure – faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love.

Well, it’s Valentine’s day today so the theme for today will have to be about love.

I was listening to a discussion on a radio station this morning that involved some folks who took nothing whatsoever to do with Valentines day and others who really went for it bigtime!  Some argued that it wasn’t right for only one day to be singled out to focus on love and that every day, we should be aware of the need for love.  Others celebrated the day by not only sending a card to their partner but also sent cards to parents, friends and some even sent cards to their pets.  A broad spectrum indeed and I guess most of us lie somewhere in the middle in terms of how we observe this particular day and some may not even notice it .  One of the ladies on the panel shared a story that involved one of her female work colleagues receiving a massive delivery of red roses to their workplace but instead of being pleased for their friend receiving this grand outward display of love, they were all jealous and resentful and they actually allowed it to affect their friendship.

It can be a sad day for some due to the partner they would normally spend it with not being around anymore and there are many that fall into this category that will be remembering the happy times that have previously been shared, but that sadness is also a means of demonstrating genuine love for someone.

Maybe we need to practice more frequently, the less obvious gestures of love like a wee cuddle when it is needed and when it is appropriate and taking someone’s hand or allowing someone young or old to take yours.  You might not even have to say anything, sometimes, just being there for someone and just sitting with them in silence is enough to be loving towards that person.

I’ve selected a couple of passages from the New Testament which emphasise the importance of love in its many forms.  1 Corinthians 13 is frequently used at wedding ceremonies to describe in some detail what love really means. It doesn’t mention anything about lavish presents or extravagances that can be viewed by those around you.  It doesn’t mention anything about parties, greetings cards or red roses.  We are taught that it doesn’t matter how skilled or talented we are, if we don’t go about our daily business in a caring, gentle and loving manner, it all counts for nothing.

Prayer - Heavenly Father, we thank you that you are a loving, gracious God and that you have offered us forgiveness and the gift of new life in you. We thank you that your love is perfect, it never fails, and that nothing can separate us from your love. We pray that our lives would be filled and overflowing with the power of your love so we can make a difference in this world and bring honour to you. We ask for your help in reminding us that the most important things are not what we do outwardly, it’s not based on any talent or gift, but the most significant thing we can do in this life is simply to love you and to choose to love others. Amen.

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